Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ah, sweet summertime!

We are in the dead of summer and it is hot, and the kids are restless.  Ethan just finished a week of Fine Arts Camp at the local private college.  He went last year and loved it, this year was no different.  We are hoping to have both Ethan and Davis there next year.  He has also done Messy Munchkins at the church the boys go to preschool at, and library storytime (which both Davis and Colin have done too).  I never thought I would be the parent sending my kids to any type of camp I could, but the fact is that they love doing it.  We have a week of Vacation Bible School at the beginning of August and then I suppose we will be gearing up for school again. 

These past two days we have had a break from the heat and humidity with temperatures not getting beyond the sixties really and it has helped me mentally prepare for fall.  I know another heat wave is on the horizon and we will be miserable again, but it is nice to know that right around the corner is schedules, new pencils, pointy crayons, and scarecrows.